For the past six years, my wife, "Charity" as the bikers call her, has been serving alongside of me as a partner in our urban ministry. Her giving spirit and ability to empathize with the hurting and marginalized has proven a valuable asset to our work. As we are telling the story of our ministry and work here in Colorado Springs, I thought that it would be fitting for her to share a story from her perspective. This is her first, but hopefully not last contribution to this blog.
Acts 20:35 In all things I have shown you that by working
hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord
Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
I am preparing our Christmas dinner when I get a text from a
friend I had invited to share our meal, “What do I owe you for all you have
done for me?” I was shocked! She is my friend! She has been in a tough spot in
recent weeks and has needed the love and support of her friends. In my mind these simple gifts of help (a
ride, help with job search, warmer clothing, bus fare, etc) were given to get
her back to her feet. Isn’t that what friends are supposed to do for each
other? I told her she owed me nothing. I did these things because she was my
friend. She went on to tell me that she
was asking because she had accepted the help of a person she thought was a
friend and the person was using it to get what she wanted in return. Giving love created a debt.